
Showing posts from June, 2020

Can it be Fixed? A Culturally Responsive and Restorative Response to Cyberbullying

Going back to my first post on building a positive climate and culture, relationships are part of developing and fostering this climate. The framework of having restorative circles allows for there to be meaningful relationships in a school community. Restorative circles are a component of having a culturally responsive climate and culture because it requires the school members to become curious about, value and respect the cultural, social and experiential differences among themselves and the rest of the school community. Part of having these meaningful relationships involves being able to handle conflict. For example, if there are a series of events that are described as cyberbully, the victim and the offender have the opportunity to repair the harm. The victim has the opportunity to be seen and heard as well as advocate for their overall well-being.  The offender takes accountability and responsibility for the harm that was caused and has the opportunity to re enter into the lea...

An Old Pandemic Combines Forces with a New a Pandemic: Cyberbullying During Covid-19

An old pandemic combines forces with a new a pandemic- cyberbullying during Covid-19 With the outbreak of Covid-19, education has had to rely solely on technology for instruction and communication.  The increased use of learning platforms and social media apps with two way communication technology, cyberbullying is becoming more prevalent and harder to recognize.  Many are now teachers and administrators, having to  teach their kids in the home schooling arena.  Parents may be exhausted and not paying attention to what their kids are doing online during non-school hours creating a blindspot for cyberbullying and victimization. The Cyberbullying Research Center reports that feelings of loneliness, lack of mental health counseling and mentoring from teachers are all likely to lead to an increase in cyberbullying. What Parents and Educators Can Do Communicate-  let students know they can talk to you if they are  being cyberbullied, digitally harassed or  ...

Cyberbullying 101- Recognizing the Signs of Tech Bullies

  Cyberbullying 101- Recognizing the signs of tech bullies With the rise in use of technology, there has been an increase in cyberbullying.  According to the Pew Research Center, a September 2018 study found that 59% of US teens have been a victim of harassment online. It is important for teachers, parents, administrators and other students to recognize and be aware of the indicators of cyberbullying. Educational Indicators Declined academic performance Loss of interest in or refusal to attend school Skipping class Behavioral and Social Indicators Sudden changes in personality or behavior Loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed Disregard for physical health Sudden change of or withdrawal from friends Social alienation  Sleep deprivation Self harm Emotional Indicators Loss of confidence Depression Extreme shyness or aggressiveness Anxiety Cyberbullying is difficult to recognize without the student speaking about it. Encourage students to speak to you or another a...

I Love it Here!- Building a Culture of Positivity in Your School

I love it here!- Building a culture of positivity in your school Fostering a positive culture and climate is an active process of building foundational blocks for school success. Building this climate and culture helps to resolve problems such as bullying, teacher burnout, disengaged students, high suspension rates, among others. These issues have a large impact on the school community. The ultimate goals for building a positive school culture are; better teaching, better school learning, and better results for all learners. School leaders must continue to grapple with the hard work of building and creating a positive culture and climate. This work is constant and ever present in a school building. Now, that learning has transitioned to the virtual platform, the work for school leaders needs to continue but in a different way. A positive school culture is built on structures and support for meaningful collaboration. The first article below defines positive school climate as, “character...


Welcome to the Blog!    With the ever-increasing need for differentiation of learning and engaging students, technology has become the answer.  During the pandemic, there has been an increased reliance upon technology to meet the academic and social emotional needs of students.  This blog aims to inform best practices as it relates to digital citizenship and fostering a positive climate and culture in education. I hope you find the information on this blog informational and if nothing else, start the conversations with educational leaders around our role in a digital age. I look forward to engaging these topics with you all and hearing how your school community is addressing these issues